Choosing a high school is an important decision for students and their families. A student must feel comfortable, as well as be challenged, they must be given the chance to excel in their academic work and there must be opportunities in athletics and extracurricular activities for them to commit their time and energy.
Our Lady of Lourdes High School encourages students of all races, color, religions, nationalities and/or ethnicity to reach their individual unique potential.
Within the course curriculum, students may choose from an array of courses, challenging students at the Honors, Advanced Placement, college preparatory, and Regents level. A minimum of twenty-five credits are required for graduation. These credits include 4 in English, 4 in Social Studies, 4 in Religion, 3 in Science, 3 in Mathematics, 2 in Foreign Language, 2 in Physical Education, 0.5 in Health, 1 in Fine Arts (art, music, or chorus) and 1.5 in electives.