Cody has been involved with CYFM since March 2017 leading 7th and 8th retreats, DDA retreats, and attending Leadership retreats. He was recently accepted to the Capuchin Appalachian Mission (CAM) which he is very excited about. That will involve traveling to Kentucky for a week do to service and outreach in one of the poorest areas in Kentucky.

CYFM is a program of the Capuchin Franciscans Province of St. Mary, whose mission states:

“The needs of the poor and the demands of justice shape our every ministerial endeavor. We attempt to promote the equality of all people within our fraternity, in the churches dedicated to the gospel of Christ and in the larger world. Capuchin friars minister in a wide variety of settings. Service to people of a variety of cultures in North America and around the globe have allowed us to witness to God at work in countless ways.”

Click here to learn more about CYFM.