The atmosphere in the AAC for Friday’s ceremony was celebratory with the usual “packed house” of loved ones and friends. In addition to the bagpipers, members of the school concert band were in attendance to perform under the direction of Mr. Richard Rose and the stage was beautifully decorated.
These 152 graduates were freshmen when the COVID-19 pandemic changed their world and indeed the start of their high school experience. Although that memory will always remains a significant part of their high school experience, their senior year allowed for the typical traditions and social aspects of high school. Events such as 99 Days, Senior Prom, the Disney Trip, theatre arts performances and spectators at sporting events all brought this class together outside of the classroom.
The Class of 2023 has also seen tremendous success academically, spiritually, artistically, and athletically. They boast a National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist and have earned over $53 million dollars in college scholarships. In the fall, they will be sitting in classrooms at colleges and universities across the country such as Barnard, Carnegie Mellon, Clemson, Cornell, Hamilton College, NYU, Northeastern, Providence College, Salve Regina, USC, and many more. We are so proud of their accomplishments and are excited for them as they move on to the next phase of their lives.
Along with the many academic, leadership, and service awards, other highlights from the ceremony included:
- The ceremony opened with The National Anthem sung beautifully by senior Abby Salazar.
- Salutatorian Matthew DeMelo provided the invocation and Valedictorian, Isabella Cho addressed all those in attendance with an eloquent and entertaining tribute to the school, her classmates, and families in attendance. She reminded everyone to celebrate successes along the way and “to not lose sight of the small things in favor of the large goals that we have: getting internships, maybe even a job, winning a championship, and receiving A’s in all our classes. However, even if we don’t succeed at these things, I think it’s important to remember that we still succeed every day, even if it’s just in the little things.”
- Lourdes President, Catherine Merryman, in her message to “her seniors”, drew her inspiration from Taylor Swift’s Anti-Hero reminding the graduates to not only “recognize you may be the problem, but be the solution as well.” She also paid tribute and dedicated this year’s message to her father, James Borland who recently passed away. This was Mrs. Merryman’s final graduation as our school leader as she will officially retire at the end of June and the graduates and families paid tribute to her with a rousing standing ovation.
- Kayla Joseph and Matt Krauza were named recipients of the prestigious Lourdean Award.
- Anneliese Martinez led the Prayer with her fellow graduates.
The ceremony wrapped up with Abby Salazar and Jaden Courtemanche ’24 performing Ave Maria and Reverend Michael Connolly providing the benediction. The procession of graduates then continued out to the front of the school for the annual tradition of the “throwing of the caps” at the statue of the Blessed Mother.
A beautiful ceremony, an outstanding group of graduates, family & friends, administration, faculty, and staff all made for a wonderful night. We are excited to hear where their futures will take them!