It has been a long-standing tradition at Our Lady of Lourdes High School to award both a male and a female graduate the esteemed Our Lady of Lourdes Warrior Award. 

This award recognizes a young man and a young woman who, according to the administration and faculty, best exemplify the qualities and characteristics professed by the school’s mission and philosophy, including Scholarship, Leadership, Spirituality, Good Judgment, Optimism, and Zeal for Learning. 

Lourdes is so humbled to serve students who truly embody what it means to Glorify God by your life. These students are disciplined, focused, kind, humble, understanding, compassionate, and willing to work to build the kingdom of God here on earth.

The recipients are elected by ballot among the faculty and the winner is known only at the moment that the award is bestowed at graduation. We are very proud of all of our Warriors who are graduating this year, and although only one award is given to a senior boy and senior girl, all are honored and recognized by this nomination.

Click each profile below to read more: