A Message from the Valedictorian
Thank you for four years!
College Attending
College Acceptances
Cornell University
Harvard University
Marist College
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
New York University (NYU)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
SUNY Binghamton University
SUNY Stony Brook University
Vassar College
Planned Field of Study/Future Aspirations
Undergraduate: double major in pure math and physics
Graduate: PhD in math Future Aspirations: quant field or academia
Grade School and Middle School
P.S. 126 Jacob August Riis New York, NY and Highland Middle School, Highland, NY
AP & College-Level Courses Completed
AP Courses: AP English Language and Composition, AP Physics 1, AP Calculus AB, AP United States History, AP Calculus BC, AP Chemistry
College Courses: College Calculus (4 credits), College English (6 credits), College Psychology (3 credits), College Government (3 credits), College Economics (3 credits)
Number of College Credits you will graduate with
19 credits (not including college credits from AP courses)
Extracurricular Activities
Lourdes: Math Team, Chess Club, Mandarin Club, National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society
Other: Karate, Family restaurant
What subject/class was your favorite? Why?
Favorite subject: Mathematics - Mathematics clicked for me. I was fascinated by its ingenious ways of thinking. It is a subject of many paths and I hope to find or create my own.
Favorite class: AP English Language and Composition - Regardless of my favorite subject, my favorite class was AP English Language and Composition. While I would choose to do many things before writing an essay, the class was fantastic. First, the class provided a good amount of stress that got me working. Second, I loved Mrs. Katz’s spirited lectures and discussions. There was never a dull moment in her class. Third, I always looked forward to Worship Wednesdays. Fourth, Mrs. Katz deeply cares about her students, which I personally experienced through stink-eyes regarding my sleep schedule. (I am totally getting more sleep Mrs. Katz :) ) My writing abilities also improved, a positive side effect of the many, many essays we had to write. Even if I had to rewrite all the essays, I would take Mrs. Katz’s class again in a heartbeat.
How has your Lourdes experience and Catholic education prepared you for the future?
It has opened my eyes to different perspectives. I attended public school throughout elementary and middle school, so a private Catholic school was a major change, even if it was cushioned by the pandemic and online learning.