A Message From the Nominee

The teachers are the true heroes. It has been said that a teacher can make or break a class and attending Lourdes, all my teachers knock it out of the park. Some special mentions of Mr. Keenan, Mrs. Junjulas, Mrs. LaPlant, Mrs. DeMeo, Mrs. Katz, and Mrs.Gehlhoff, each and every one of them made me fall in love with the subjects they taught and strive to do my best. Thank you everyone!

College Attending

Marist College

College Acceptances

Marist College

Siena College

Planned Field of Study/Future Aspirations

So far I’m going in with a business undecided but I would love to look into computer science or possibly a history degree. As a freshman in college, I applied for the Marist first-year florance experience and was accepted, so next year I will be taking my first 2 college semesters in Florence Italy.

Grade School / Middle School

St. Martin de Porres School

AP & College-Level Courses Completed

AP US History, AP Language, AP Euro, College Government, College Economics, College English 1010, College English 1020

How many college credits will you graduate with?


What subject or class was your favorite?

All of the History classes were incredible because of how things in the past are still relative today, understand the wrongs of our past. Those who don’t study the past are doomed to repeat it after all. But mainly because the teachers were there to help with anything and truly made the subject fun and interesting.

Extracurricular Activities

Fencing, Rowing Crew, Jam Club, Ski Club, Chess Club, Ping Pong Club, Yearbook Club, and Volunteer firefighting.

How has your Lourdes experience and Catholic education prepared you for the future?

From the moment I walked through the door as a freshman I had a drive for learning, that I didn’t have before. Lourdes not only helped with physical work but to me it helped with socializing. Through Lourdes, I made so many close bonds with not only classmates and teachers but with God as well. I can only hope that these relationships will grow strong as I take the next steps towards the future.

I am glad I attended Lourdes because...

I am glad I attended Lourdes because of all the fun memories. High school is a one-time opportunity to grow and become someone and with Lourdes, the people I’ve met, studied under, and hung out with shaped me to become the person I am today. I also wasn’t all that religious before attending Lourdes but through religion class and school masses my understanding of what it means to be a catholic deepened and the word of God took root in my heart and mind.

My favorite memory from Lourdes is...

I have way too many great memories but the one that stands out was my first day of Junior year. I walked into my lunch period and didn’t know anyone until I saw my one friend I’d known since the 2nd grade. He was sitting with 4 other guys who would later become some of the influential people in my life. From that first interaction would spawn a whole slew of memories and experiences you couldn’t find anywhere else.