Our Lady of Lourdes

HIGH SCHOOL, Poughkeepsie, NY

Research Center

OLL Database Access


Gale Databases - NovelNY
(needs password at home) This is the complete list of NY Gale databases including:  Academic OneFile - journal articles, General Onefile - periodical articles, Twaynes Authors Online, Health Reference Center, Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, Popular Magazines, Religion and Philosopy Collection, US History Collection, World History Collection, Gale Vitual Reference Library - ebooks of literary analysis, and much more.
Gale Databases - NovelNY

Bloom’s Literature

NewsBank’s Special Reports are news articles, images, videos, maps and other useful content grouped for convenience under specific topics and themes. Easily accessible within NewsBank resources, they enable users to quickly locate information on a specific subject while helping them gain better insight into current global issues and events. Each Report features current and retrospective coverage, and new articles are added daily. Special Reports constitute a unique value to your users, and are included with your NewsBank subscription. There are over 60 Reports to be sure the information you need is always available. This site also includes America’s historical Newspapers.
(username and password needed from home)



Bartleby full texts of books

Follett Ebooks in OLL collection Type “ebooks” on keyword bar and click on the title of the book you which to view. Ebooks can also be searched for through the Opals site under Library Book Catalogs” tab.
Follett EBooks

Gutenberg Ebooks
Project Gutenberg offers over 36,000 free ebooks to download to your PC, Kindle, Android, iOS or other portable device. Choose between ePub, Kindle, HTML and simple text formats.

Haiti Trust eBooks

Hathi Trust

Infotrac Gale Reference eBooks

History ebooks (needs username and password from home) 
Salem Press

Milestone Documents of World Religions (needs username and password from home) Ebook copy of library reference book
Milestone Documents of World Religions

The Catcher in the Rye - Critical Insights (needs username and password from home) Ebook copy of library reference book
The Catcher in the Rye - Critical Insights

The Thirties in America (needs username and password from home) Ebook copy of library reference book
The Thirties in America

To Kill a Mockingbird - Critical Insights (needs username and password from home) Ebook copy of library reference book
To Kill a Mockingbird - Critical Insights



Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia NovelNY database – (needs username and password at home)

Grolier Online

NovelNY database – (needs username and password at home) Encyclopedia Americana, Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, New Book of Knowledge

World Book Online

Our Lady of Lourdes Library book catalog

Public Library book catalog - You must have a library card from your public library.  You can then set up a pin and request books to be picked up at the public library of your choice.

Mid-Hudson Library System



America’s Historical Newspapers (1900 - 2000)
(needs user name and password at home)
America’s Historical Newspapers

InfoTrac Newsstand
(NovelNY database – needs password at home) Search a collection of more than 1,000 newspapers, then select your own screen appearance, search options and results format.
InfoTrac Newsstand

National Newspaper Index - 1977 - Dec 2011
(NovelNY database – needs password at home) Quick access to the indexing of America’s top five newspapers in one seamless search: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor, Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post.
National Newspaper Index

NY State Newspapers
(NovelNY database – needs password at home) Search this database of newspapers published in the state of New York, including the New York Times and the New York Post.
NY State Newspapers

NY Times Newspaper Online
NY Times

Poughkeepsie Journal


Research Paper Tools

EasyBib - citation tool

EasyBib Resource Evaluation

Noodle Tools (citation software)
(See librarian for username and password for validation, then set up your own account.)
Noodle Tools

Plagiarism prevention and citation help